The Middle Years Programme (MYP) in the International Baccalaureate (IB) is an educational programme for 6th to 10th grade students, from ages 11 to 16.

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Language & Literature

French, Spanish & Hindi

Individuals & Societies

Physical & Health Education

MYP Assessment Criteria

Subject Criterion A Criterion B Criterion C Criterion D
Language & Literature Analysing Organizing Producing text Using language
Language Acquisition Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Individuals & Societies (Humanities) Knowing and understanding Investigating Communicating Thinking critically
Sciences Knowing and understanding Inquiring and designing Processing and evaluating Reflecting on the impacts of science
Mathematics Knowing and understanding Investigating patterns Communicating Applying mathematics in real-world contexts
The Arts Investigating Developing Creating/ Performing Evaluating
Physical & Health Education Knowing and understanding Planning for performance Applying and performing Reflecting and improving performance
Design Inquiring and analysing Developing ideas Creating the solution Evaluating


Transitioning from ICSE/ CBSE/MYP/IG or from any boards to IBDP/ A level doesn't have to be a challenge!!!


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What we offer


The Middle Years Programme is a framework catering to young adults and is designed to make practical connections between what the students study and the real world.

Curriculum framework Describe the MYP curriculum, which is organized into eight subject groups, including Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design.

Approach to Learning (ATL) Skills Emphasize the importance of developing Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, which are interdisciplinary skills that help students become effective learners.

Global Contexts Explain how the MYP incorporates global contexts, which are key concepts that provide a framework for learning within and across subjects.

Personal Project Highlight the Personal Project, a significant independent project undertaken by MYP students in the final year. This project encourages students to demonstrate the skills they have developed throughout the program.

Interdisciplinary Learning Discuss how the MYP promotes interdisciplinary learning, encouraging students to make connections between subjects and see the relevance of their education in the real world.

Service as Action Emphasize the importance of service as action, where students are encouraged to apply their learning to real-world situations, fostering a sense of responsibility and global citizenship.

Holistic Education Highlight the MYP's commitment to holistic education, addressing not only academic development but also personal growth, well-being, and social skills.

Educational Philosophy Share the educational philosophy of the MYP, emphasizing its commitment to developing lifelong learners who are internationally minded and capable of contributing positively to the world.

Community and Parent Involvement Encourage community and parent involvement in the MYP, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Meet Our Experts
Our Learning Pact MYP Team

Teams amplify success. Diverse skills blend for enhanced productivity. Clear goals and roles streamline efforts, while open communication fuels innovation. Trust and respect form the bedrock, celebrating wins boosts morale.

Rajesh Ramlingam Vedant
Teaching IGCSE, MYP and IBDP Maths AA &AI HL&SL
Mathematics Facilitator
Dr Manoj Saigal
25 Years Experience
BE Mechanical- VJTI (Gold Medallist) MBA (Finance) JBIMS – All India Rank 1. PhD ( Education)
Rutu Jumani
24 Years Experience
Specialised in Maths For MYP and for IBDP Maths AA as well as AI and Economics and Business for IBDP and IGCSE.
15 Years Experience
English, Humanities, Business Management, Economics History, Politics, Psychology, Literature and Language
Prashant Edekar
15 Years Experience
Teaching MYP, IGCSE and IBDP
Maths & Science Specilist for 8th to 12th Grader
Fluent in Hindi, English & Marathi
Arinjay Padhi
Teaching IGCSE, MYP and IBDP Maths, Science

Why Us

Why Us

Global Perspective

IB fosters global awareness, urging students to value diverse cultures, perspectives, and global issues for understanding.

Academic Rigor

IB's challenging curriculum builds critical thinking, research skills, and subject depth, earning global university recognition and respect.

Holistic Education

IB nurtures well-rounded individuals by addressing academic, social, emotional, and physical aspects, fostering holistic personal development.

Approach to Learning (ATL) Skills

IB prioritizes Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills—communication, research, self-management, social, and thinking—for academic and real-world success.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

IB's CAS requirement cultivates personal growth, leadership, and social responsibility through creativity, physical activity, and community service.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

IB's TOK course, unique to the Diploma Programme, encourages critical thinking on knowledge acquisition and application, fostering reflection.

Emphasis on Learner Profile

IB's Learner Profile cultivates inquirers, thinkers, communicators, and principled individuals, shaping character and values for success.

Educational Challenges
Understanding and Implementing the MYP Framework

Educators and administrators may face difficulties in fully understanding and implementing the MYP framework.

Provide ongoing professional development and training for teachers to deepen their understanding of MYP principles. Collaborate with experienced MYP educators or IB consultants to facilitate workshops and offer guidance.

Integration of Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills:

Incorporating ATL skills into the curriculum and daily teaching practices can be challenging.

Design curriculum units that explicitly focus on developing ATL skills. Provide teachers with resources and examples of how to integrate these skills across different subject areas. Foster a school culture that emphasizes the importance of ATL skills.

Balancing Local Curriculum Requirements with MYP Standards:

Finding a balance between meeting local curriculum requirements and adhering to MYP standards can be a challenge.

Conduct a thorough review of both the local curriculum and MYP requirements. Identify areas of alignment and integration to create a cohesive educational experience. Clearly communicate the benefits of the MYP framework to stakeholders to gain support for any necessary adjustments.

Assessment and Grading Challenges:

Developing effective assessment strategies and aligning grading practices with MYP standards may pose challenges.

Provide training for teachers on MYP assessment practices. Emphasize the importance of formative assessment and the use of criterion-related assessment. Foster a culture of ongoing reflection and collaboration among teachers to improve assessment practices.

Interdisciplinary Planning and Collaboration:

Ensuring effective interdisciplinary planning and collaboration among teachers can be challenging.

Schedule regular planning meetings for teachers to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects. Facilitate professional learning communities where educators can share ideas and resources. Encourage the development of interdisciplinary units that promote meaningful connections between subjects.

Engaging Students in Service as Action:

Motivating students to actively participate in service as action activities may be a challenge.

Connect service activities to students' interests and passions. Provide a variety of service opportunities to cater to diverse interests. Highlight the impact of service projects on local and global communities to inspire students.

Parent and Community Understanding:

Ensuring that parents and the broader community understand the philosophy and benefits of the MYP can be challenging.

Solution: Organize informational sessions, workshops, and events for parents to learn about the MYP. Share success stories and examples of student achievements within the program. Foster open communication channels between the school and parents to address any concerns or questions.

Resource Allocation:

Challenge: Allocating sufficient resources, including time and materials, to effectively implement the MYP can be a challenge.

Advocate for the necessary resources and support from school administration. Prioritize professional development opportunities and allocate dedicated time for collaborative planning among teachers.

Interdisciplinary Planning and Collaboration:

Challenge: Ensuring effective interdisciplinary planning and collaboration among teachers can be challenging.

Schedule regular planning meetings for teachers to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects. Facilitate professional learning communities where educators can share ideas and resources. Encourage the development of interdisciplinary units that promote meaningful connections between subjects.

What our Students, Parents & Teachers say

I am extremely grateful to have you as a teacher. You have always helped me, when my parents were angry with me, when I was in trouble for school etc you distracted me and always said everything will be alright. Miss you have been in my life since 7 years And those have been so fabulous because of your positive and supportive personality which was so warm, loveable and always encouraged me in everything. I have seen me grown from a little, very playful baby to not so little, but still very playful and mature teenager. I can’t thank you enough for being in my life and making it so much better, I hope for this continues and I wish you all the best to do your best and enjoy the wnderful journey. Love you miss!

Yuvaan Burakia

Priti teacher has been teaching my son for more than a year and half now. I really appreciate her dedication and professionalism. She has been introducing complex Math concepts to Aarav in really fun way and keep him engaged during the entire class. Aarav has learned a lot and I sincerely thank you for that.

Aarav, New Jersey
Grade 3 | Student

I will be forever grateful to be one of your students (or should I say your favorite student). You have changed the way I think about so many things. For example grades, they used to mean more than the world to me and I would be so sad even if I got a 7. During online school, I was doing so well and then the announcement came that physical schools were opening and I didn't want to go because I was scared it would affect my grades but you made me realize my learning is worth way more than my grade and as long as I tried my best the grade doesn't matter. You have also treated me like a friend and you always talk to me sweetly. I have been in your classes for only 2 years but the bond and connection that we share makes it seem like we have known each other for longer. I am forever grateful to have you in my life and hope this continues. 2 years down hopefully a million more to go! I love you miss and wish you all the best for the future and your company.

Jessica Pinto

What does a parent look for when she approaches an external teacher - cover up the gaps which we see in the curriculum - set a discipline in place for more regularity and rigour - have a connect with the kid and have open communication - giving importance to learning as well as mental well-being For me Priti checks all these boxes. Her approach towards my kid has been that of a teacher/mentor/well wisher. I wish her all the best to do good to many students like my own.

Proud Parent
Grade 10 MYP | Parent

Thank you for all you do for my child .I really appreciate your immense hard work and dedication towards teaching him . Ateerya has learned a lot from you this year and it’s amazing to see equal amount of energy that both of your share even if it’s the last class for the day . It is because of your support , encouragement and always making us feel welcome anytime of the day with our concerns and queries that he has now began to take more efforts in his academics and ready to soar high very soon . Your compassion for teaching and mentoring the child is remarkable . Keep showering your blessing on Ateerya .

Birva Jaswani

Priti ma'am is very supportive and encouraging with me. I used to take around 10 students every year, she encouraged me to take up more students online. I have benefited from her this advise very much. Iam able to realise my potential due to her. She is also very supportive while speaking to parents of the kids. She has encouraged me to conduct webinars, which I am going I do in collaboration with her. Thank you ma'am, so much for all that you have done for me and still doing. God bless you.

Rajesh Vedant
IBDP/ MYP Maths | Teacher

Priti Jain is a promised mentor and a very enthusiastic teacher as well as supporter. I have more than 8 years of experience in this updating system, still as a teacher we also keep learning. Miss priti has guided me throughout the journey, how to handle kids, being patient, reaching to the expectations of parents and much more. Her remarkable qualities include patience, positive attitude and smiling nature. She is a wonderful influencer, I just love working with her.

Khushbu Dagha
All Subjects | Teacher
Frequently Asked Questions

MYP is a curriculum for Grades 6 to 10 that focuses on conceptual understanding through content. Content is seen as a vehicle rather than the destination or end goal. In an MYP classroom, students draw connections between subject areas and learning is explicitly linked to the world around them; through this, an understanding of other cultures is fostered. A unique feature of the programme is that it extends the traditional curriculum to include

  • Innovative approaches to learning
  • Action and service participation
  • A Personal Project, which is an independent piece of work that may be an essay, artistic production or another form of expression

We offer the IB MYP because we believe in the IB mission statement, “The IB programme aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” These values are fostered through research-based teaching methods and curriculums that draw from the best educational practices around the world. This concept-based learning allows for student inquiry, collaboration and transdisciplinary understanding, rather than just memory recall. Furthermore, IB programmes are recognized internationally and ease the transition students if their families relocate.

All our MYP teachers receive professional development in the IB’s approaches to teaching and learning from certified IB workshop leaders. This is a requirement for IB World Schools implementing the MYP.

According to a National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) study conducted in 2013, teachers, parents and students stated that the MYP offers a broad, holistic and engaging approach to learning, linked to real-life situations and delivered through collaborative inquiry and critical debate.

Engage with your children in regards to the learning. Ask them to explain the concepts they are learning about and check in with them regarding their organization and time management. Encourage them to view their teachers as partners in learning and to seek out feedback and additional guidance. Model enthusiasm and passion for knowledge and learning.

Assessment is integral to all teaching and learning. MYP teachers develop rigorous tasks that embrace a variety of assessment strategies. Some key features of the MYP assessment include:

  • A distinction between internal summative assessment and the supporting formative processes
  • Attention to the most accurate demonstration of student performance, rather than mechanically and uncritically averaging achievement levels over given reporting periods
  • Assessment of student understanding at the end of a course, based on the whole course and not individual components of it
  • Recognizing the importance of assessing not only the products but also the process, of learning through Approaches to Learning feedback
  • A distinction between formative assessment FOR student learning and summative assessment OF student learning
  • Assessment based on individual criterion based on specific descriptors rather than only a single holistic, generalized grade

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